Sunday, April 7, 2019

12 Years Of "The Raving Queen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                              Girls, can you believe I have been writing this blog for 12 years, now?  It does not seem possible, and look how it has grown.  To think, I am the source of all that happens on here.  I never thought, when I began, I would still be doing this, twelve years later.  Back in 2007, I could not envision that much time down the road.

                                                 I want to thank each and every one of you who reads and comments on here.  I write as much for all of you, as I do for myself, and am so grateful to have all of you as an audience.

                                                  I have some things I know I want to write about in the year ahead, so when I hit one of my writing blocks, I shall do that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   So, Happy 12th Anniversary, to one and all!

                                                   Hmmm... I need to end this on some celebratory song.  What shall it be??????????????

                              How about Andrea Martin, singing "No Time At All," from the 2013 revival of "Pippin????????????"

                               'Cause "it's time to start livin'," dolls!

                               Happy 12th Anniversary, Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Great choice of song!
    “Just a Closer Walk With Thee” would also be fitting.
    Warm congratulations to you, blog friend.
    Rave on!!!


  2. Victoira,

    Thanks so much! I plan to keep
    on raving as long as I can!
    Your wishes are appreciated!
