Sunday, April 7, 2019

Meanwhile, What Of Nicholas, And Miss Kitty??????????????????????

                                  Oh, that Nicholas and Miss Kitty!  You won't believe what they have been up to, at Apple Tree Market, in Bay Ridge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Nicholas, as can be seen, plays it cool.  He wants to be hard to get.

                                   But that Miss Kitty.  She is some piece of work!  Do you know she sneaks in from the back yard, when the door is open, just a bit, goes to where Nicholas' litter box and food is kept, and steals food from him?  What a cheap tart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Nicholas has her beat, though.  On a nice, warm day, he goes out into the yard stretches alluringly, to lure Miss Kitty to him.  And when she appears, he just flicks his tail at her, gets up, and walks away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       That Nicholas is no fool, and is not to be done in, by Miss Kitty.  These fighting lovers are still going at it, and will till one of them gives in.

                                           Who will get the best of whom, darlings????????????????????

                                            Stay tuned, and find out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             I love you, Nicholas!!!!!!!!!

                                              But, when do I get to meet Miss Kitty?????????????????


  1. Cats are neat.
    I have both cats and dogs, two of each, and they all get along!
    It helps that the cats outweigh the dogs lol
    I’m living proof that one can be a cat person And a dog person.


  2. Victoria,

    I like cats, but am allergic.
    Not so with dogs. The only
    animals I shie away from are
    pit bulls!
