Thursday, April 4, 2019

Some Further Words On "Detainment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                   This film will haunt one, darlings, for quite a while.  It still haunts me.  But what I wanted to add to the previous post is that, while the film provides possible information and insights into this dreadful incident, there is one fundamental question that goes unanswered, and may never be established,


                                    Yes, it references that, on another excursion, the boys had tried to abduct a little girl, but she, fortunately, escaped.  So, the idea of taking a child had been embedded in their minds, when poor, unfortunate James presented them with the perfect opportunity.

                                       As I watched the film and was especially keen on witnessing the Venables' shock, horror and heartbreak, at discovering the truth about their son, I thought of the families.  Was anything going on, within the homes, schools, or playgrounds, that was inflicted on the boys, so that they acted out, on James, what had been done to them?  The boys are now in their late 30's; surely the parents must still be alive.  But, perhaps, like the boys, now men, they have had to go into hiding.

                                       Robert Thompson is said to be somewhere in Australia, and has not caused any trouble.  At least, that has been reported. But I would not trust him one bit.  Meanwhile, Venables, whom I considered the more dangerous of the two, has had nothing but a troubled life, dabbling and being convicted on child pornography charges.

                                         What made them this way? Upbringing, chemical imbalance, or a collusion of personalities--akin to Brady and Hindley?  Remember, before she hooked up with Ian Brady, Myra Hindley was everyone's favorite babysitter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           I kept asking myself these questions throughout the movie,  And no possible answer I came up with was completely conclusive.

                                             It may be an eternal mystery.

                                             Meanwhile, rest in peace, James!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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