Thursday, April 4, 2019

Time To Welcome A New Reader, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      For the past several days, the follower indicator has been at 88, and I have not had a chance to address it, what with doctors appointments, and the 40th Anniversary of my mother's death--April 2--which forces me to relive everything about that awful day.  And the remembrance of having no idea where was my life would go, at that point. It was like it had stopped, though I was still alive.

                                       But I want to take time and welcome India Adams to this blog. I hope you find the contents on here entertaining and informative.  I try to keep things light, but, when I want to be honest, I am not afraid to go dark.

                                         This blog goes great with coffee, which is always by my side, when I am writing.

                                          The girls and I are glad to have you with us, India, and hope you enjoy what you find.

                                             And here is this blog's unofficial theme song, to welcome you--"Call Me!, " by Deborah Harry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. We need the light And the darkness. People who have a sunny disposition All The Time, I don’t trust.


  2. Victoria,

    I agree. The only
    exception I make is Hayley
    Mills--in "Pollyanna!"
