Friday, May 24, 2019

Colin Jost Is SO Hot, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, Why Is He Marrying Scarlett Johansson?????????????????

                              I mean, really.  Colin Jost is so delicious looking, dolls, that, this being Fleet Week, wouldn't you all like to dress him up in a sailor suit, with visible panty lines, and have him over to your house, for a home cooked meal, and then desert?

                              Alas, he is straight, which I have no problem with, but he is going to marry Scarlett Johansson, and that bothers me.  Colin is so sweet he deserves the best, and I am telling you, while Scarlett is a genuinely talented actress and skilled comedienne, her marriage track record is not the greatest.  This is Colin's first marriage, but her third.   Now, some say three's the charm, but with that on her marriage resume, if I were Colin, I would think twice about taking that marital leap with Scarlett.  After all, my girls and I want him to be happy, and not just another trinket on her bracelet of broken hearts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Prettiness can be deceiving, dolls!  So, I am warning Colin to watch out.

                              Don't let Scarlett wed you, then bleed you dry, like a Black Widow spider!!!!!!!!!!!!

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