Saturday, May 25, 2019

I Want All My Girls To Send Their Special Get Well Wishes To Cujo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             On the 23rd, two days ago, David and I celebrated our seventh anniversary of residing here in Bay Ridge.  And we are still happy here.

                              As I have mentioned earlier, back then, when both of us were working, and we would walk to the subway at 77th Street, we would see, along the path, a handsome boxer dog, standing on the terrace of his family's house.  A locked gate leading into the garage pathway had a sign saying "Beware Of Dog."  At first, I took this sign at its word.

                               One morning, the dog was out, and David said to me, "That dog is like Cujo."  So, from that point, I began calling the dog "Cujo," even though, being owned by a Greek family, his name was Ares.

                               Cujo and I developed a bond.  I would speak to him on his terrace, gently, and he began to answer to "Cujo."  He would perk up his ears to listen to what I had to say.  When he was behind the gate, outside, he would approach me, give me kisses, and turn so I could pet him.  Once, a neighbor tried to reprimand me for being near the dog, and Cujo, protecting me, turned to her, and read her the riot act!  She retreated inside.

                                 Another time, the owner's daughter brought him out in the front yard.  Cujo came running over to me, jumped up, threw his front paws around me, and began licking my face.  I hugged him; there was so much love between us, and the owners know I love Cujo dearly.

                                  I saw Cujo twice last week,  and things were fine.  He was...Cujo!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Yesterday, the terrace door was open,  I called for Cujo, but no one appeared.  I went near the gate, I thought I saw a pair of legs running, and thought maybe Cujo was not up for visitors today, or had some conference calls to make.

                                   But when I looked up at the terrace, there he was!  Someone must have heard me, and ushered him out there.  We were so happy to see each other, but I was concerned, because Cujo  was wearing a cone around his head, meaning something was amiss to prompt such action.

                                     "What's the matter with my Cujo?," I asked.  He answered by indicating he was not thrilled with this, but had to live with it, for the time.  Maybe Cujo has a rash, and this prevents him for irritating it.  Or maybe he had some kind of procedure done.

                                         Whatever, it was the first time I was made aware of Cujo's frailty, and that saddened me.  He always stands so strong and proud, and, even in this condition he was doing his best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            So, I want all my readers, my girls, to send prayers and special get well wishes for Cujo!  You can see how much I love him, and if you met him, you would, too.

                                              Much love and wishes to you, sweet Cujo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I pray for animals All The Time. The Bible says that a sparrow cannot fall from a tree without God knowing, and I know He cares when a little cat or dog is lost or sick or hurt.


  2. Victoria,
    Thanks so much for the thoughtful
    and moving share, filled with
    good wishes. I will be posting
    a Cujo update soon.
