Friday, May 3, 2019

Girls, Did You See Michael Shannon On Amy Sedaris' Game Night Show????????????????????

                                 I always loved game nights, myself, so when Amy decided to spoof one, and spoof the types of games played--board games, like the ones I grew up on--I was hooked.  Patty, Chassie, and Tony, the knife man, stopped by, but it was when a creepy Michael Shannon walked in, that I wondered what was going on.

                                   This season, Amy has spoofed and referenced a lot of movies and topics related to popular culture.  I had to wonder if she was doing an Agatha Christie spoof, particularly her brilliant masterwork, "And Then There Were None."  I am not certain if that was Amy's intention, but it certainly crossed my mind.

                                    From a tree coming in through the window during a time, to two men practically double fellating a sub sandwich, the show was Amy all the way.  And her outfit was adorable.  Amy, who does your fabulous hair?????????????????

                                      If only Ruth and Esther had dropped by.  I miss them.

                                      And, of course, Artemis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Very funny, and a fittingly strange finale to a strange second season. Amy really went off the rails this season in some respects: to equal the gear shift, one would have to reach back 35 years to the second season of SCTV Network 90.

    That was notoriously enshrined by Rolling Stone and NYT as the season when Catherine O'Hara, Eugene Levy, John Candy and Andrea Martin decided to drop all pretense of appealing to a mass audience (instead crafting an entire season of self-referential material that was utterly bewildering or meaningless to anyone who wasn't already a fan steeped in SCTV lore and style).

    That was Amy's second season in a nutshell: if you didn't "get" her and weren't already completely engaged with the world and characters she created last year, this year was NOT FOR YOU. Rather a daring tightrope walk, and perhaps why she didn't get an immediate renewal mid-season as she did last time. Fingers crossed we get a third helping of "At Home" by 2020.


  2. Check out my post about Amy's seeming sudden
    season end!
