Friday, May 3, 2019

Guess What Amy Is Doing In Real Life, Dolls??????????????????????

                                    Girls, I am telling you, our lovable reptile pet, Baby Gojira is green with envy!
Decorating mistress and Crafting Corner princess Amy Sedaris, whom we all just loved for the way she glamorizes domesticity, has just recently purchased the apartment above her, on 50 West Ninth Street, for $1.7 million, after bargaining down from $1.85 million.  The apartment she has currently lived in, there, sine 2008, she purchased for $1.3 million.

                                      Over 11 years, Amy has spent $3 million on domestic coziness.  And, girls, you know it is going to be magically decorated, not to mention have a stairs of some kind connecting the two places, after the ceiling is knocked out, because I am sure this will become a duplex.

                                        Where does Amy get all this money?  She is talented, successful, rich, and we love, her, but she is not, what I would call BARBRA or MERYL wealthy.  And the "strings and things," and "buttons and bows" needed to pull off decorating this duplex will require even more cash.

                                           Darlings, don't we all wish we had Amy's cash flow?  I wouldn't dare ask her about it, though I DO want to know where she gets her hair done

                                            And Baby Gojira is still pining to be on her show!

                                            Here is Amy showing off her current place.  Enjoy, and let your mind be inspired by all the magical colors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Saw this in the paper yesterday, and was as baffled as you are re "WTF did Amy Sedaris (of all people) find $3 million over the past few years to spend on her living quarters? And in a chic, hot building presumably lorded over by a finicky board that wouldn't know her from a hole in the ground vs their preferred investment banker and trust fund residents? I mean, how much could she have earned from "Strangers With Candy" (which never had more than ten thousand viewers per episode on Comedy Central back in her heyday)?

    I guess this once again proves the bromide one of my third-tier character actor friends told me decades ago:

    "Anyone you've ever heard of more than three times, who turns up now and then on Entertainment news shows and has been pictured or talked about occasionally in papers or magazines, has a pile of cash bigger than you might think (unless they've blown it on drugs/hookers). Basically, if you know their name, they're rolling in it."


  2. Darling,

    I hear you. But I am known, so
    where does that leave me?
