Monday, May 13, 2019

"Linda, Don't Talk To Me, I'm Havin' A Bad Hair Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                     Can you imagine how many times I have said that, girls?  I so relate to Madonna as Liz Rosenberg.  This blog is a kind of cyber "Coffee Talk," and I am telling you, what with the damn rain, wind, and raw dampness, not only were my bones chilled to the marrow, but my hair was a mess!  How can glamour hold up under this kind of weather???????????

                                      What a day.  Doris Day dead--I will deal with that later this week--and an after dinner tea party, with cakes and dainties.  You better believe I am the daintiest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Actually, that would be Baby Gojira.  He joined us for tea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Just a quick word to all my girls, that I will be back with you mornings, by Thursday, when we have a lot to cover.

                                          But stay tuned for some great news!

                                           And pray my hair holds up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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