Sunday, May 12, 2019

We Have Another New Reader, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       But, before getting to that, girls, I must apologize to you all.  This is going to be a rough week.  I am all backed up on doctor appointments, so I have three consecutive days--Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday--of them!  I may not get back on here till Thursday,  when I will have Bitch Of The Week, a book review, two 'SVU' episodes to write about, and that is just for starters.  So, hang in there with me, please.

                                          Enough about me,   Really.

                                           I see the follower indicator is now at 92, so I want to welcome our newest reader, Adrianna Scarborough.  Such a lovely name, Adrianna.  And that surname--are you going to Scarborough Fair, dear?  Could you be Chuck Scarborough's daughter????

                                             Whether you are or aren't, I welcome you to this blog.  I am glad you found your way here, and find it worth your while.  Remember, reading it goes great with coffee, which is always by my side, when I write.  And feel free to comment anytime.

                                                  So, on behalf of my girls and myself, welcome Adrianna.

                                                  And now, to complete the welcome, this blog's unofficial theme song--
                                                    Deborah Harry, singing "Call Me!"

                                                   Welcome, and enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme!!


  2. Remember me to one who lived there.
    She once was a true love of mine.
