Friday, June 21, 2019

An Unusual Welcome To Summer 2019!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 Back in August of 2017, I did a thorough, analytic post on this film.  I will not repeat that here, except to say I am using this ominous poster, because this is a Summer of Fifties--Fifty years since Judy Garland's death, the Stonewall riots, Woodstock--and you better believe I am psyched up for that. And, of course, this film.  It still bothers me that, after the gang rape, Cathy Burns' Rhoda just runs off.  I would loved to have seen the other three held for accountability.  What a bitch that Barbara Hershey played.

                                                   Alas, they do not make films of this insight anymore, so I wanted to open the Summer with a bit of food for thought.  Try to view this film this season.

                                                   But I have not forgot that Summer, whether in school or out, is still a season of fun!  So, here is one of my favorite ways to bring on the season--"June, July, And August," by Freddy Cannon!

                                                      Let the good times roll, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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