Thursday, June 20, 2019

This Bitch Looks Like Some Deranged Version Of A Young Truman Capote!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Ryan Lindquist is this week's winner of The Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award.  He instigated and committed a gay murder on Long Island, but the more one delves into what happened, the more questions arise.  And I will probably be attacked for this post, like on my "Gay Fatal Attraction" one, so, go ahead, I am ready!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Lindquist is just 21.  Several years ago, he and Evan Grabelsky, now 32, met on a dating app and had a two year relationship.  Nothing wrong with that.  Now, Grabelsky was a camp counselor and a teacher.  I don't know if Lindquist was still in school, or if he was doing anything, because, frankly, he looks one step up from a common street hustler.

                                     Lindquist was from Massapequa, and Grabelsky lived in Merrick.

                                      Now, here is the thing. Grabelsky, at 32, was living with his parents.  Something is wrong there!  How could he be openly gay?  And when Ryan visited him, the night of the murder, on June 1, it was because his parents were out, at a party.

                                         Two adult gay men, who have to sneak around.  There is a problem right there.  Grabelsky was nothing to look at, so he feels lucky to have ended up with Lindquist, even though he was as common looking as could be.

                                           Something was instigated in the bedroom, and set Ryan off.  Maybe he was tired of sneaking around.  Maybe Grabelskly told him they were through.  Gay sex in a parents' home?  Sounds creepy to me.

                                             I don't think they even got to sex, that night.  Because Lindquist went after Grabelsky with a knife, chasing him throughout the home, stabbing him 100 times.  Very personal.

                                             This is a tale of two gay losers.  I don't wish to defend Lindquist, or defile Grabelsky, but the former, while from Massapequa, was never clear where he was from.  Did he live at home, or on the streets?  The streets, more likely.  While Grabelsky was a great big closet case, who could not break free from his parents, and, I am telling you, that is what did him in.  I am not saying he deserved to be killed--not at all--but nothing comes from being a closet case!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Go ahead, and attack, you ignoramuses of the gay lifestyle!  I hope you do!  Fuck you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  This murder was a double tragedy.  The bitch should not have done it, but the victim should have been astute enough to rid himself of the victim, or come out honestly!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    But, hell, it's Long Island!  What else can one expect????????????


  1. I certainly appreciate where you're coming from, RQ, as evidenced by my comment on your post re the lesbian couple attacked on the bus in London. This Long Island victim/killer setup was tragic, yet a bit of common sense might have prevented it.

    There are delicate sensitivities involved that can make it hard to separate factual rational discussion from emotional reaction and naive optimism. Absolutely, one should never literally "blame the victim" - no one deserves to be injured or killed simply because they made an error in judgement. But it does get exhausting watching person after person almost deliberately put themselves in harm's way, with the blase attitude "I should be able to do whatever I want wherever I want whenever I want". Ideally, yes: there should be no limitations on being able to conduct oneself is any reasonable (or often unreasonable) fashion.

    But alas, the world does not work that way. It is infested with vicious soul-less thugs and losers, plus intolerant and/or mentally ill average folk who will snap if their comfort zone is pushed too far. The natural reaction to this is "fuck them" and "take back the streets from lowlifes" and "activism" and "don't tolerate the intolerant", blah blah blah. Thats admirable, but also a nice efficient way to get yourself killed.

    The most breathtaking example of this dangerous naivete was Winston McKay, the gay black man killed by a stray bullet in Harlem last week, ten minutes after the end of his 19th anniversary party with his partner and friends. What on earth was he thinking? Why the HELL was it so damned urgent he walk his stupid dog on the streets of Harlem at 2:30AM? Let the damned animal piss on a newspaper in the bathroom. Not only did McKay go out for ridiculous dog walk at that hour, he wore HEADPHONES blasting music, so he had zero awareness of what was going on around him.

    I mean seriously, what in the actual fuck? You are a BIG heavy 40 y/o black queen who's lived in Harlem forever. You've never heard of all the indiscriminate gang-related shooting that goes on every evening from 11pm til 5am? Never crossed your mind that wandering around with a dog and headphones, unable to hear anything was perfectly safe at 2:30AM? Jesus Christ, I wouldn't do this at high noon in front of St.Patrick's Cathedral, let alone pre-dawn Harlem. SMH.

    What a useless, avoidable death this was. For one thing, the shooter was using a fairly loud rifle-type firearm that misfired the first shot, and he struggled to re-cock before setting off the fatal shot. If McKay HAD to walk the dog (I would have let it shit on the sofa first), he might at least have had a chance if he was not deafened by earbuds. He very likely would have heard the misfire and re-cock from across the street, and been able to duck in somewhere. Instead, he left his partner of 19 years bereft and shattered.

    As usual, the killer was aiming for a rival gang member and missed by a mile, so McKay was yet another "collateral damage" unintended victim. This has happened so many thousands of times over the past 20 years that you wonder why the hell gangs even bother with firearms. They miss the intended target 9 out of 10 times, hitting the local grandmother or 4 y/o kid instead. You wanna play Pacino Scarface, at least learn how to aim first. Infuriating how pointless it all is.


  2. Darling,

    As far as I am concerned, there is more
    to this story than even the holes I poked in it.
    As for Winston McKay, being on a Harlem street
    in the wee hours is not recommended. I would not
    even go out here in Bay Ridge during those hours.

    Grabelski should have done a real vetting job--
    or as much on him as could be found--before hooking
    up. That young thing was trouble from the get go!
