Sunday, June 23, 2019

Darlings, Wait Till You See What Has Been Done To The Barnum's Animals Crackers Box!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     I despise the changing of traditions, and the traditional box, pictured above, always had the animals in their cages with string.  I never thought of myself as cruel or exploitative.  I never could be, as my love for all my animal friends has been recorded on this blog.  And this was a product from Nabisco, who wanted to sell their product, thereby keeping everything wholesome.  So, to me, these animals were friendly and treated well.

                                      After gathering several boxes, I used to string them together, so I could have my own circus train.  In fact, I kept a wagon atop my cubicle, at my former work place.  There was never a problem.

                                       It was never an issue, nor would it still be, I believe, if I were there.  But, somewhere along the way, the PC police decided this was animal cruelty(!!!!!) and, so , look what they have come up with--
Look at this!  Now, the animals are in the wild.  So, no more circus trains, but, even worse, look at the image, carefully.  These animals don't look friendly.  They look aggressive, and seem as if they are ready to come at one!

Is this any way to sell a product?  With animals on the cover, threatening to kill one????????

I understand restoring them to the wild.  Listen, I read all the Joy Adamson books, and, of  course, I saw the movie "Born Free."

Keep the animals in the wild!  But make them a little more cutesy, please??????????????

What better way to end this post, than with Shirley Temple, singing "Animal Crackers In My Soup?" Although, if the lyrics are really listened to, it alludes to violence against animals.  

Even Shirley had a dark side!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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