Saturday, June 22, 2019

Oh, My God, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Divinity That Is MERYL Is Actually 70!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Another inconceivable aspect to this day--Meryl Streep--yes, MERYL!!!!!!!!!!--turns 70!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        How is that possible?  And how is she able to look so good.  The only answer can be, well, she is MERYL!!!!!!!!!!!!!  As good as I may want to look at this age, darlings, you can bet I won't!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         To me, it seems like yesterday, when MERYL appeared on the acting scene.
And now it is 40 years later???????????????

                                           Happy 70th, MERYL!!!!!!!!!!!!!  You look fabulous, are a class act, and aren't about to stop yet!

                                            Have a fabulous birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"That's all!"

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