Friday, June 14, 2019

"Don't Cry For Her, Argentina!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                 Regarding the Jennifer Dulos case, we all know that she is dead, somewhere.  And that her husband, Folis, had something to do with it.

                                   Take a look at this trash tramp, Michelle Troconos, who is this week's Belated Bitch Of The Week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  What a hardened, drug ravaged, substance abuse driven face.  Jennifer Dulos was so attractive; to think Folis left her to take up with this evil, haggard thing.  If she had any talent, she could play the Witch in "Into The Woods," with no make-up.

                                   But wait!  It seems, back in Argentina, Michelle actually had some talent. She was a TV executive, and some kind of administrator, so what happened to her, once she came to America??????????????????????

                                    Let me tell you, I hope they both get convicted, especially Folis, because he has a better chance in prison than he does living with Michelle.

                                      This bitch simply wanted Jennifer out of the way, so she could climb the ladder of the American dream, the same way Eva Peron did, back in Argentina. Meaning, they would be together, until she bled him dry, and then she would move on.

                                        She is trouble.  I am not sure who killed Jennifer,  (maybe both) but I can tell you Michelle engineered the whole thing.  Folis does not strike me as that clever, but Michelle, she is some deadly female piranha.

                                           Folis, get away from her before she bites you good!  Society, lock this woman up, so she cannot do any more harm!

                                           And Candace DeLong,  do a profile of this bitch on "Deadly Women!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"



  1. Sounds like Jennifer and her FIVE children had been living in fear for quite some time.
    So tragic💔


  2. Victoria,
    Agreed. Thank God those five
    children are with their maternal
    grandmother. Hopefully, they
    will stay with her. Because
    if the scheme had worked, Michelle
    would have moved in, and become the
    Evil Stepmother, if not murderous.
    But, then how does one make FIVE
    people vanish, without creating suspicion?
    Thankfully, it is something we won't have
    to worry about!
