Friday, June 14, 2019

Book Number Three, In A Series I Had Almost Forgotten!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     When Carlos Ruiz Zafon published his novel, "The Shadow Of The Wind," in 2001, it blew me away so much I have it on my kept shelf, and have read it more than once, I never imagined it would go any further.  Seven years later, in 2008, along came "The Angel's Game," which, while not up to 'Shadow,' was a worthy successor.

                                        But, then, life and books took over, so much to read, so little time.  And don't let me kid you about retirement; you actually have to schedule some designated reading time, because, while nice, it is not at all like we dreamt of, in school and work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          While browsing in a bookstore on Tuesday, I came across "The Labyrinth Of Spirits" in paperback, by Zafon, which, I discovered was his fourth in "The Cemetery Of Forgotten Books" Series.  I had not even known there were any more published; what about the third?
So, I found "The Prisoner Of Heaven," and read it.

                                              Senor Sempere and his son, Daniel, are still managing their bookshop in Barcelona. But when a mysterious stranger enters the store, and crosses paths with Fermin, the clerk, a series of incidents from his past is triggered, and the reader is off on a chase through the present and past, that, echoes Dumas' "The Count Of Monte Cristo," though not so long.

                                                I gobbled this adventure in two days.  I cannot wait for the fourth book, especially now it is in paperback.  Now, I have to be more vigilant about Zafon; I have no idea how many books in this series, he has up his sleeves.

                                                 Sometimes you make surprise discoveries, darlings!  And sometimes they pay off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   This one sure did!  If you have read the other two, read this!  If you have read none, than whet your appetite with "The Shadow Of The Wind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


  1. Victoria,
    All the books are indeed both.
    But they are grounded in a reality
    that fantasy does not take in.
    Despite my imaginative nature,
    fantasy is a genre I do not
    warm to. I read Tolkien, but am
    not a groupie. The last books in
    this genre I enjoyed was the Harry
    Potter series.
