Saturday, June 15, 2019

Pretty In Pink.....And Should Be, For Always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    This is Cinderella's Castle, at Walt Disney World, in Orlando, Florida, done over in pink, for the park's 25th anniversary, on October 1, 1996.  The idea was to recreate the front facade to resemble an 18t story high birthday cake.  The problem?  They should have kept the display permanent.

                                    Which is one problem I have with Disney World.  It is NOT the real thing.  Maybe that is because I was born LONG before it came along.  I am even older than Disneyland, which opened, on July 17, 1955, just one day before my eight month birthday.  And I went there, for the first time, in 1964, when I was nine years old!  They still have my favorite ride, the Alice In Wonderland Ride, which Disney World did not even bother to incorporate, and after one has been to Disneyland, well, what's the point of anything else?  Nothing tops the REAL Magic Kingdom in Anaheim, California!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        And the REAL castle is Sleeping Beauty's, in CA, not Cinderella's!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      But this pink castle represents such decorative possibilities, darlings!!!!!!!!  I am actually thinking about doing over our apartment front door in this fashion.  I mean, we already have pink flamingos, (plastic ones!) right outside.

                                        Or how about doing over one of the main rooms in this style? I vote for either the living room or the bedroom.  Maybe the former, as I spend much of my time there. And looking at pink and white frosting would be delightful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           This may have been one of the few times Disney World could cut it!

                                            Instead of improving, it has declined!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. The Paris version of Sleeping Beauty’s castle has a “Dragon” in its dungeon!!


  2. Victoria,

    I did not know it was still standing,
    as I thought the whole Paris Disney
    thing had been demolished.

    Now, the dragon is interesting, because,
    in the 1959 animated film--the last of
    Disney's Golden Age--the dragon is a
    transformed Malificent!
