Sunday, June 16, 2019

Happy Bloomsday, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     In addition to it being Father's Day, and my niece, Jenni's, birthday, it is also Bloomsday.  This is the day in which the novel that is James Joyce's masterwork, "Ulysses," takes place on, back in 1904.  It is also said to be the day on which Joyce met the woman who became his wife, Nora.

                                     As for "Ulysses," it still sits in my pile, but I have to accept the fact, as I near 65, I may not get it read.  Much as I always wanted to.  My plan was to originally re-read "The Odyssey," which is said to be the basis for Joyce's work, and which I have not looked at, since high school?  And I call myself literary?

                                      After rereading, Homer, I would move to Joyce, which would give the whole experience some kind of sense, and structure.    Alas, I am SO ensconced in the contemporary literary scene, I now have little time for the past.  My Northanger Horror Novels will keep me busy for several more years yet, so, unless, I get a REAL Joyce craving--and I am not saying that such will never happen, but, if so, will come unexpectedly--I will have to put aside "Ulysses" for some time.

                                       At least I have sense enough to avoid "Finnegan's Wake."  I gave up on that long ago!

                                      The tradition on this day is for someone--usually a woman, but, hons, don't let that stop you-- reading "Molly Bloom's Soliloquy" aloud.  To celebrate Bloomsday, I offer the controversial last fifty lines of this work, as interpreted by Angeline Ball.

                                        Happy Bloomsday, Everyone!



  1. Neat. Did you see the whole movie?

  2. Finnegan’s Wake - Skeleton key!


  3. Victoria,
    Well, it is a key I have
    resigned myself to maybe
    not getting open!
