Sunday, June 16, 2019

More Kudos For Celia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          The laurels are still coming in for Celia Keenan-Bolger!!!!!  This was part of a "Vanity Fair" photo shoot, done by selected Broadway stars, and doesn't Celia look so glam?  Just like she did, at the Morgan Library.  ANNA, I am telling you to take note. Everyone down at 101 World Trade Center  must, by now, be getting ready for the "VOGUE" September issue, so has any thought been given to putting Celia on the cover?  If not, it should be.

                                             And, girls, while we are out to gossip, how about all this fuss about Ed Harris taking over for Jeff Daniels?  While the production has said it has not been confirmed, personally I think it is a ploy.  Because, I think Daniels will make a hasty departure, well before November, because, I could tell, on TONY night, that he was pissed as hell, over losing to Bryan Cranston.  At least, Daniels did not walk out, like Sylvia Miles did, at the 1969 Oscars, but you can bet he is pissed.  I bet this finishes both he and Aaron Sorkin with Broadway, and, you know what, I don't care!  Though I still maintain what James Corden did to Jeff Daniels in his opening was cruel, Mr. Daniels, nevertheless, engineered his own loss, along with Sorkin, by their proclamations that this version of 'Mockingbird" is better than Harper Lee's, that Daniels is originating the role of Atticus, so forget Gregory Peck; so, with this kind of hubris and arrogance, what else could have been expected?  Jeff, face it, you screwed yourself.  And, by the way, Debra Winger stole "Terms Of Endearment" from everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Just like Celia is the star here--gracious, self-effacing, and acknowledging of the contributions made by both Harper Lee and Mary Badham.  Get over yourself, Jeff!

                                           It just shows what a class act Celia is--onstage or off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Now, Celia, darling, please--tell me where you get your hair done!!!!!!!!


  1. Pride goeth before destruction lol


  2. Victoria,
    How true! The sad thing is,
    he actually is a good actor.
    He should have taken an example
    from Celia.
