Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Make No Mistake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This Is The Face Of A Cold Blooded Killer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        I  know this may sound like an early Bitch Of The Week column, dolls, but I have other plans for that one.  Let me introduce you to Hannah Overton.  She and her husband, Larry, were former missionaries--right away, there is something wrong with that; too much emphasis on religion-- who eventually move somewhere to South Texas--another trouble spot.

                                           Even before their adopted child, Andrew Burd, four, at the time of his death in 2006, the couple had four other children, all under the age of seven, which meant Larry was some control nut fucking turkey baster, who rammed it to Hannah, regarding her as nothing more than a baby machine.  Who the hell does he think he is???????????

                                             So, with all these kids, why adopt another one?  Something pushed Hannah over the edge, with Andrew, and I don't care what happened, his death was her way of rebelling against Larry's reproductive agenda.  Which he still has.

                                                She went to trial in 2007, and was condemned of capital murder, and given a Life sentence.  As it should have been.

                                                  But now that conviction has been overturned, though I am glad to hear some prosecutors are going after it for reinstatement.

                                                    Hannah was accused of salt poisoning her son, and lacing his water with burning Cajun spices!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                      Some bitch Mama!   Oh, and by the time she went to jail, Larry had impregnated her again.

                                                        Let me tell you what kind of people these Overtons are.  They are self-righteous religious, right wingers, who voted for Trump.  All this goes hand in hand.  But worse--they are pro life fanatics.  Remember the Cher segment of 1996's "If These Walls Could Talk?," where Eileen Brennan and Sally Murphy played moms who, instead of actually raising their children,  spend their days sitting outside an abortion clinic, shouting about how much places like this should be abolished?  And then, that couple, where the guy got his girlfriend admitted to the clinic for a procedure, only she turns out to be a decoy for him, because he is a rabid pro-lifer, who shoots just about everyone there?

                                                        Now, don't get me wrong!  I am not saying this is WHAT the Overtons want to do, or that they even WOULD do it!  They probably WOULD NOT.

                                                          But they would agree with the decision made here.  And I am telling you, IF they did something like this, I would not be at all surprised.

                                                           Get all those children away from these parents, who are their own reproductive cult!  Hannah is a cold blooded killer.  Get her back in prison, and Larry too.  Or at least castrate him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                              And this is the kind of moral righteousness that right wingers think is SO precious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                Stay in your self-contained White Supremacist communities you cretins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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