Wednesday, June 19, 2019

It May Not Be "Sophie's Choice," But, Then.....What Is??????????????????????????????

                                      I have had my eye on "Lilac Girls" for a long time.  So, one day, while in Bookmarks, the neighborhood book store in Bay Ridge, and a salesperson was shocked I had not read it, I decided it was time to purchase it, and do so.

                                      This is a Holocaust story, but strictly a woman's one.  The most shocking thing about the book is that two of the characters=Caroline Ferriday, a former Broadway actress and do gooder socialite, with a Connecticut country estate that lends the book its title, and Dr, Herta Oberheuser, an exponent of evil, if ever there was one, who served her Nazi duty at Ravensbruck, Hitler's exclusively women's camp.  What this evil thing does to the women there makes the mad scientist in "She Demons" (himself an ex-Nazi) seem humane, by comparison.

                                         There are also two sisters, Kasia and Zuzanna Kuzmerick, who were based on an actual pair of real sisters.  Though a novel, it rings true, sometimes too horribly, at times.  And all the characters, in one way or another, converge upon each otheer.

                                            While on the same track as the disappointing "The Alice Network," this novel is better written, better plotted, and compelling as hell, revealing a kind of Hell that was forgotten about after the war.  I was enthralled with "Lilac Girls," and could not put it down, until the conclusion was reached.  I am sure others will also enjoy that experience.
Here is a picture of the real Herta Oberheuser.  If this does not say "Evil Nazi Bitch," I don't know what does!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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