Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Pride Panic--This Should NEVER Have Happened!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Despite my recent piece on the dangers of lesbian derangement, there are actually some I admire, and I feel they have as much rights to freedom as gays do.  I am not saying this could not have happened to two gay men, but, unfortunately, it happened to a lesbian couple, Melania Geymonat, and her partner, Chris.

                                     The two were simply taking a bus ride, back home, from London, on the evening of May 30, after an enjoyable day.  They were going back to Chris' place, in Camden Town, which, I believe, is where Bob Cratchit lived.

                                      Now, I don't know what, if anything they did, to call attention to themselves.  What I want to know is--how did the four thugs who eventually surrounded them, know they were lesbians?  I am sure they were just two young women on a bus ride.

                                      Nevertheless, things got out of hand.  The thugs demanded they kiss each other, in front of them, spewing homophobic filth.  A fight broke out, and both women suffered injuries, which, thankfully, were not serious.

                                        These four losers, between the ages of 15 and 18, allegedly have been arrested by the Metropolitan Police.  I think they should all be made to kiss each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         To think this is Pride Month--Internationally!  What a thing to happen to London, where I assumed gays were more accepted.  I guess I was wrong.

                                           While all of us celebrate the World Wide 50th Anniversary of Pride, I advocate Pride Panic--being aware of what is beyond one's reach that could be reaching out for you!

                                            Don't allow miscreants like these to violate your freedom, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. As usual, even the victims in this incident are reflexively blaming a fantasy "right wing extremism sweeping the country" as the reason they were attacked. Sure, because everyone knows London is about as full of right wing extremists as West Village Manhattan or Williamsburg Brooklyn.

    Inane brainwashing like this is what leads to ever more attacks: instead of thinking rationally about the situation, and working out ways to fight or reduce the actual risk, lets jump straight to an amorphous political excuse.

    Newsflash, people: no city, no matter how Western and progressive, is a perfectly safe literal Utopia for all. Like it or not, isolated women, readable queens and the elderly are irresistible prey for brain-dead worthless young thugs. No matter how romantic the idea seemed, it was foolhardy to sit upstairs utterly alone on a double decker bus at night, "behaving like a couple" (the lowlife attackers didn't pull that lesbian porn fantasy out of their asses: they picked up on behavioral cues like the predators they are). Sucks for those of us that are human, but the filth that prowls the streets decides what we can and cannot safely do. That is the reality: gay or str8, white or yellow or brown, you do NOT put yourself in a risky position if it can possibly be avoided.

    Compounding this, London is awash in bored "refugee" male youths from a plethora of woman-hating, gay-hating cultures. You want to blame "right wing extremism"? Then aim your ire correctly: the most dangerous version of that extremism is coming from the people we import. Most of our native-born extremists know they'll lose their jobs and get their tongues cut out if caught in action, but there are zero consequences for "the new kids" - and they know it.


  2. My dear,
    As one of those two potential victim targets myself,
    I fear for myself, especially if I go out at night,
    which I rarely do, anymore.

    You need to go on some news feed, and do your
    own Huntley-Brinkley, or just yourself, on, say,
    WBAI, because your observations need to be heard!
