Friday, June 28, 2019

Regarding Bitches, Harm Always Seems To Come Down To Animals Or Children--The Most Innocent Of Victims!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Tenia Campbell, of Medford, Long Island, is not only the winner of The Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award.  She is also winner of the Susan Smith Mother Of The Year Award, for killing her precious two year old daughters.

                                       Campbell was not motivated by greed or avarice, like Smith, but some kind of mental disturbance.  She is from Medford, but told her mother, driving around, that she was suicidal and would kill her daughters and herself.

                                        She only killed the daughters.  By 4:05 they had been found, all in the car, by the Montauk Nature Center, at  1929 Montauk highway.

                                         To think this happened in Montauk!  Montauk!!!!!!!!!!!!  Where the best of society, including yours truly, go to for the Summer.

                                           This tragedy could ruin things.  I don't care if Tenia had mental problems, there was no reason to do in her daughters.  Herself, maybe, not two innocents.

                                            It is horrible, pathetic, and tragic.  The girls did not deserve this.

                                            Tenia may have.  Hopefully, she will be locked up, observed, and never come out of institutionalization.
                                              What did this bitch do to them? When they were found, the kids were in cardiac arrest.  They died by the time they arrived at Stony Brook Southampton Hospital!!!!!!!!!

                                                 But this bitch was not too unaware to make sure she was stylishly coiffed!

                                                  She doesn't fool me, the bitch!  When the story does come out, as it will, her selfishness will be revealed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   Honestly, girls, what is it about Long Island????????????????

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