Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Broadway Had Better Dim Its Lights For Martin Charnin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Martin Charnin, who died, on July 6, at the age of 84, from suffering a third heart attack, is primarily known for directing the now classic musical "ANNIE."  But what many may forget, is that, twenty years before, in 1957, Charnin was in the original cast of "West Side Story."  Yes, THE "West Side Story!" At the Winter Garden!!!!!!!!!!!  He played one of the Jets, a character called Big Deal.  He was comic and funny, and landed the role on an open call!  Imagine, dancing for Jerome Robbins, who, God knows, was picky, in one of the twentieth century's greatest musicals, on the basis of an open call!  He lived out the performer's dream!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 When "ANNIE" came along, in 1977, I knew Andrea McCardle, from watching her play Wendy Wilkins, on the CBS soap opera, "Search For Tomorrow."  I was getting ready to graduate from college, when the show opened on April 21, at the Alvin Theatre.  By the time of the TONYS, when "Annie" swept the awards with that stunning presentation, I knew I had to get in and see this show.  I stood in line for two hours on a weekday, to get a ticket to "ANNIE," with the Original Cast.  Of course, I had the cast album, too.

                                 Besides the Summer Of Son Of Sam, for me, it was the Summer of "ANNIE."  To those who may remember, I corralled every small kid in the neighborhood, and we learned how to perform "It's The Hard Knock Life," and, of course, "You're Never Fully Dressed Without A Smile." I am sure we worked "Tomorrow" into it, too.

                                  So, "ANNIE" resonated with me.

                                   Two years later, I saw his musical of "I Remember Mama," with Liv Ullmann, George Hearn, with music by Richard Rodgers.  It was Rodgers' last show, and he did not go out a winner.

                                      Even if "ANNIE" and "West Side Story" had been his only accomplishments, Martin Charnin deserves to be honored.  Having done the revue "Upstairs At O'Neal's, the Danny Kaye musical, "Two By Two," the musical "The First," and the Anne Bancroft Special called "Annie, The Women In The Life Of A Man," Charnin was versatile.  No small feats, any of these.

                                        But there is one mystery he left behind.  In 2006, he married actress Shelly Burch, who was the original Claudia, in the original "Nine," back in 1982.  She beautifully introduced the song "Unusual Way."

                                         He had two children, Sasha, and Randy.  But before 2006.  In fact, in the book " 'ANNIE:' A Theatrical Memoir," he poses with Andrea and the Original Orphans--and Sasha and Randy, who were at least old enough to have been in "ANNIE."

                                            So, who is the mother of Sasha and Randy?????????????????

                                             If anyone out there knows,  kindly inform me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rest In Peace, Martin Charnin!  You were Theater, all the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. In honor of this topic, here's Andrea Martin playing an aged Andrea McCardle in SCTV's 1977 spoof of the then-ubiquitous "Annie" TV commercials:

  2. Oh, and the mother of his son was Lynn Ross, the mother of his daughter was Genii Prior. Both were dancers he worked with in West Side Story, who became wives #1 and #2. Wife #3 was Jade Hobson, a fashion editor: no kids from that union. Fourth and final wife Shelly Burch brought him three step-children (from her previous marriage).


  3. Thanks so much for the info on Charnin.
    I had no idea.

    Is the Andrea Martin spoof on YouTube?

  4. Yes, its on youTube. I put the link in my comment above: I can see it, but maybe its been blocked when you look? Lets try again, here's the YT link:


  5. Thanks so much. I saw it, and it was hilarious!
