Thursday, July 11, 2019

Let's Explore Something New This Week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   No one said abuse in the Catholic church was not an equal opportunity offense.  Just as there are predatory priests, so there are predatory nuns.

                                   Sister Eileen Shaw is one of these, and, hence, the first nun to be named as Bitch Of The Week.  Though prettier than Gladys Cooper, and trying to go for that wholesome Sixties look of Amy Adams in "Doubt," don't be fooled.

                                    Trish Cahill, a woman I would say today is in her Sixties, was first sexually abused by her now deceased uncle--who happened to be a Catholic priest!!!!!!!!!  Fabulous!

                                       She went to Sister Eileen Shaw, at the age of 15, and reported the abuse.  Shaw was a Sister Of Charity At Saint Elizabeth, in New Jersey!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Oh, my God!  I hope this is not the Convent Station Of The College Of Saint Elizabeth, where I stand up and leg the Sisters, on our periodic trips to Lynda and Marilyn!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            There is nothing worse than a Nasty Nun!  And Sister Shaw was nasty--plying Trish with kisses, liquor, and then teaching her lesbian sex!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Trish was bought off by the order with $70K, in 1994.  Hell, I would have asked for more, because this poor woman is still not healed yet, if she ever will be.

                                                While this bitch nun has been stripped of duties, she is still officially a nun, getting food and shelter provided for her.

                                                   This is a real witch and heretic who should be burnt on the stake!  I would love to light the match!

                                                     Debbie Reynolds, indeed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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