Monday, July 8, 2019

How Did It Take So Long For Me To Discover This Wonderful Book?????????????????????

                                       This book, which first came out in 2016, has a cover that has been staring at me from book store tables, for years.  It would dare me to pick it up and read it, and I always meant to, but I had to go on to other things.

                                           Well, girls, I got around to reading it, finally, and let me tell you, it was fabulous.  I could not put it down.  "Here Comes The Sun" examines four generations of women in a Jamaican  household; the choices, good or bad, they make, the reason for such choices, the cycle of family abuse, the social class system in Jamaica, and the still sexist culture that costs women so much by limiting them to a secondary place.  I was so anxious for Thandi, the youngest character, to transcend her origins, I held my breath. And, to a point, Thandi does escape.  But if far enough, I am not sure.

                                                This was Nicole Dennis-Benn's debut novel, and it is a stunner.  Her narrative sense, character construction make for a compelling and well written literary read.  I raced through the novel, because I could not put it down, having to find out what happens to this group of women.

                                                 The novelist just came out with a new novel, "Patsy," which involves, I believe, a transplanted Jamaican.  I am anxious to read that, too, just not right away.

                                                  But you have got to read "Here Comes The Sun."

                                                  Had I read it the year it came out, it most likely would have made my Ten Best list!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   Get reading, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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