Monday, July 8, 2019

Is This A Summer Liteary Event? I Am Not Sure, But It Is Worth Reading!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Can two people be in love, having found absolutely the right person for the other, and yet not be aware of it?  Sally Rooney's novel, "Normal People" explores this idea, through two Irish youth, Connor Waldron and Marianne Sheridan, from practically junior high, on up.  There are coming togethers, separations, but they always keep circling back to each other.  Rooney explores these seemingly simplistic characters--Connor the quintessential popular jock, and Marianne, the wallflower who blooms into a chrysanthemum--with psychological acuity; their personalities are never where they should be, at the same time, which is one reason why they do not realize their love is real.

                                           I did, and the outcome of the novel surprised me.  I won't say any more, except to say it leaves the reader on an ambiguous note.

                                              Rooney's sense of language and character exploration is spot on.  Her first novel, "Conversations With Friends," was hailed as a masterpiece; now I am curious to read it.

                                                If you have yet to read "Normal People," do so.  It is understated drama, and a brilliant character study, as well as an exploration of love.

                                                 You'll love it, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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