Tuesday, July 2, 2019

This Is Where You Stay, Girls, When You Cannot Get A Reservation At The Chateau Marmont!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 It can be pretty tough, trying to get in there, so, if it is still standing, the Hotel Bel Air Carlton should be your second choice.

                                   Recognize it, girls?

                                    It is the hotel Jennifer North's body was carried out, covered, on a gurney, the morning following her suicide in "Valley Of The Dolls."

                                      But, just who was Jennifer North?  Oh, we all know Sharon Tate in her movie.  And those of us who were older kids, when the book first came out, felt she was based on Marilyn Monroe.

                                       Actually, she was based on Forties sex symbol, Carole Landis!

This is Carole, and Jennifer North was based on her,  In 1945, while starring in a short lived Broadway musical, called, "A Lady Says Yes," she crossed paths in that vehicle with a then aspiring actress named Jacqueline Susann, who, of course went on to write "Valley Of The Dolls."

Like Jennifer, all Carole had was a body!  She had great hair, too.  She was limited to her sex appeal. And her career never went as far as Monroe's did!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In the novel, Jennifer kills herself, because she cannot stand losing one of her breasts to cancer. Without her assets, she will not have a career, and how will she pay for Tony in the sanitarium?

So, she offs herself, with pills, like Monroe.

And like Carole too.  Except Carole did it because she was so broken hearted when Rex Harrison ended their several year relationship in 1948.  She was certain he would leave wife Lilli Palmer, but selfish Rex did not want to give up his conventionality.

So, on July 5, 1948, Carole ended her life with pills.  It cost Rex Harrison a bit of his career, for he was looked down on for this, for awhile.  In fact, it was his Broadway appearance as Henry Higgins, in "My Fair Lady," that set his career on a new course!

But girls, if you have to stay at the Hotel Bel Air Carlton, think of Sharon, Jennifer, Carole, and even Marilyn.

Hollywood can be a place of tragedy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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