Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Where Can I Get One Of These, Darlings??????????????????????

                                                 The other day, I was coming from Manhattan's Upper West Side, and got off at 42nd Street, to change for the R train home to Brooklyn.  While navigating this transition, I spotted a young woman in this dress, which I realized were numbers and symbols from the Ouija Board.  She was too far for me to ask her where she got such a dress, but, I am telling you, girls, I have GOT to have it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    Now, I may not be this size, but I am sure we can find a dress to fit me.  It would be the hit of the Summer, I am telling you.  I wonder who designed it?

                                                      As a Ouija board owner myself, the dress is just perfect.  And it would fabulous on me, anyway?

                                                      So, girls, if you know where I can get one, like me know.

                                                       I wonder if there are Tarot Card dresses??????????????

                                                       Just imagine, a whole Occult Wardrobe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Here ya go:

