Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Seven Down, Five To Go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Goodbye, July!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    This picture pretty much sums up what July was like, for us girls--quiet, steaming, getting lots of rest, because it was too hot to do anything, and, maybe because of that, not as many blog posts, as I would have liked.

                                     I have mixed feelings about the end of July.  Summer is still here, but as August arrives, the realization sinks in that the days will get shorter, the nights longer, and, though I am as distanced from school as can be, August still reminds me September is around the corner, and with it....Back To  School.  Memories linger.

                                      But it was a quiet July for us, here.  Many of my animal friends are on vacation, the weather was too hot to go out on certain days.  My hives have improved, though have not vanished, and we did not see any stage theater this month, having seen "Beetlejuice" on Gay Pride.

                                         I saw "Annabelle Come Home," at the Alpine, with Chris, and then there was our trip to "Mulholland Drive--" the movie, and what an experience that was.

                                          It was also nice to reconnect with former coworker Kris Shuman, as David and I had lunch with her.  It was like a recreation of our Mermaid Parade luncheons, and it was equally hot.

                                          So, really, that was July.  Helped by both "Valley Of The Dolls," and now "Big Little Lies."

                                           I am toying, girls.  At my retirement party, in 2017, I disavowed a "Devil Wears Prada" type book.   But I said nothing about a Jacqueline Susann type expose.

                                            So, who knows what August will bring?  I hope it brings more blog posts, because I feel I let readers down this month, with so few!

                                              See you next month, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!        

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