Thursday, August 1, 2019

And Now It Is August!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Since I live on coffee while writing this blog, I thought it better than a sultry summer scene.  Something about August has always saddened me. It is the last full month of Summer, and then comes September, which I still of as Back To School month.  The Summer slowly dies, and we slip into the cooler, but darker seasons.  So, August is the last celebratory month.  I always wish that Julys would never end.

                                  Whether or not there is a genuine Woodstock 50--and I hear it has been cancelled--this month, I will have one of my own, on here.  You can count on that, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    I really have no idea what August will bring.  I know I have to go to the dentist, which I am not looking forward to.  And I have to check up on the hives, which have improved with meds, but not vanished.

                                     My hope for the month is a higher number of posts.  July was pretty quiet, and low!

                                     So, here we are in August!  Have a blast, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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