Thursday, July 18, 2019

Was This The Lesbian Affair Of The Twentieth Century? Or Was It All Gossip??????????????????????????????

                                Jacqueline Susann's advantages were a triumph of style over looks.  I mean, she knew how to dress, do her hair, and surround herself in elegant settings--pictured above--so that she could almost camouflage how  plug ugly she was, which was why she never gained the show biz career she sought.

                                  Ethel Merman was no raving beauty but she had TALENT, and a funny, abrasive personality.  The thought of she and Susann as anything is ridiculous, until one begins to realize how perfectly one complimented the other.

                                     I cannot judge whether they were lesbian lovers or gal pals.  If lesbian, Ethel would have been beans n' franks, while Jackie was strictly lipstick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       And this may have the key to it all.  Ethel lacked style, but yearned for it, from what she saw, through Jackie, while Susann hadn't an ounce of talent, no beauty, but saw than TALENT could get a non-beauty somewhere, via Ethel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         This is why my life is modeled on Neely.  I love writing, and I know the scope of MY talent, but I am not about to hang out with some plug ugly fag to boost my career!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            And, besides, I am better looking than Jackie or Ethel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            I have the wardrobe to prove it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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