Thursday, July 18, 2019

"You Better Run, You Little Tramp! How Dare You Contaminate My Pool?????????????????"

                                  Now, girls, how many times have we been in situations like this, where we had to say those same lines, themselves?

                                    There will always be tramps around, that, time and again, we will have to chase out of our lives.  But they are not the problem, and for Neely, that tramp wasn't the problem.

                                      It was that she married Ted Casablanca, who was a great big closet case!

                                      And there is nothing more dangerous in the LGBT Community than a great big closet case!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Of course, the incident above was based on the time, back in the Forties, when Judy Garland came home from Metro, only to find hubby Vincente Minnelli in bed with the pool cleaner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Talk about a closet case!  But Minnelli achieved things, so he is not dangerous. It is the ones who think they can get to these heights, and never do, who are real trouble!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               As for that pool cleaner, I bet he was from over the Mexican border, and Metro gave him a job as a custodian, to shut him up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                If there is one good thing girls can learn from Neely, it is this--

                                                Never get involved with closet cases!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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