Friday, July 12, 2019

Why The Hell Are There No Lenormand Card Dresses, Or Designer Outfits????????????????????

                                       Honestly, I have found both Ouija Board and Tarot styles, so why has no one thought to do the same with the Lenormand deck, which, in its own way, is as beautiful, and some may say more so, than Tarot??????????????????

                                          ANNA, tell these bozos to get on the ball and manufacture something fast.  I would love to wear a Lenormand rain coat.  I think it would look so fashionable on me, not to mention attract stares from everyone.  Like my "Attack Of The 50 Foot Woman" T-shirt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Wouldn't these make fabulous dress patterns?  I really do not know why the designers have caught on to this. If I had any skill, I would make some myself.

                                            But, then, I am the type of fashionista who looks, buys, and wears, not makes!

                                            "Mother said you could always tell a lady by her hands!"

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