Thursday, August 15, 2019

A REAL Man, Right? No, A Real, Fucking Bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Curits James Brockway, 39, is the winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award.  But he is SO representative of the Straight Male Right, who think they run the show, and step in when they should not. Everyone has relatives like these, and I am no exception.

                                  Now, before the deed that earned him the above distinction, Brockway was convicted of an assault with a weapon in 2011.  That says something about him, already!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    While recently attending a rodeo in Montana, while "The Star Spangled Banner" was playing, prior to the event, Brockway beat and body slammed 13-year-old Wally Crosby, for not removing his hat, during the instrumental rendering.

                                       The boy said he did not hear Brockway's demands, and he may be right.

                                        But, even if he did, and the boy was exercising his privilege to be Left Wing, it is no excuse for a man three times the child's size and weight, to slam into him.

                                          The child had a bleeding ear for six hours, a concussion, and was hospitalized.  Congratulations, you right wing sexist pig; you deconstructed that little boy into a coma!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           He is being charged, and I hope given the slammer.  I hope the inmates body slam him for beating  up on a little kid!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And Brockway says he was acting on President Trump's orders.  It does not surprise me that Brockway is a Trumper--just look at him!!!!!!!!!--but even as idiotic an administrator as Trump would not order child beating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            There are more of him out there than you are aware.

                                             Maybe the nation should barricade  all Red states, and right wing enclaves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Fucking bitch pig!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Our beloved leader would not sanction body slamming a child into the ground but he will throw them into cages. And then have ice throw their food onto the war so they can fight for it


  2. Someone Who Is Seen And Heard Too Much,

    I agree with all you said.
