Wednesday, August 14, 2019

No Trip To Asbury Is Complete, Without Visting Here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    For those of us fascinated by the occult, this is a mecca.  The Paranormal Books And Curiosities Shop is practically next door to WORDS in Asbury Park, right along Cookman Avenue.

                                      If you are looking for horror fiction, go to WORDS.  This is the real thing--books on witchcraft, conjuring the dead, Ouija boards, Tarot cards, and the like.  I did not see any Lenormand cards there, which is one area of improvement needed.

                                       But in the evenings, they have ghost tours, which I would love to take, and, inside there is a Paranormal Museum, with all kinds of supernatural collectibles.
It was sold out, when we were there, and I did not know there schedule, and we were only spending a day there.  But, rest assured, I will go back, and give you a full report.  How could I pass this occult opportunity up????????????????
Like the sign says, the Asbury of my childhood is gone, but the place is not dead.

Visit The Paranormal Store, and have the fright of you lives, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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