Wednesday, August 14, 2019

One Of Two Reasons To Actually Go To Asbury Park!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The boardwalk is shot, the rides are all gone; there are only places to eat and drink your life away--if one is still in their twenties!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sadly, the Asbury Park of my childhood years is gone.  It exists now only in my memory!

But you know me, girls!  If I spot a bookstore in town, I am sure to go in it.  And usually come out with something.

WORDS Bookstore in Asbury Park is such a place. The staff is lovely, the selections are great, and while I did walk out empty handed, that does not mean I will, next time I visit.  And, believe me, there will be a next time.

Culture is still alive and well in Asbury.

 Make sure you make WORDS one of your pre-boardwalk stops!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Darlings, it's a little oasis in a dessert!

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