Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Alas, Some Sad, Yet Cherished, Words About Scotty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Some may recall a post I wrote, several Sundays ago, where Sister Camille D'Arienzo, on her morning broadcast, praised animals for the comfort they give, with her firm belief, and I agree with her, that there is a place for them in Heaven.

                              I am sad to report, this past Sunday, Sister Camille related that Scotty, her sister's cat, had passed, succumbing to the cancer he had, and how she and her sister had to bury him.  But not the happy memories, the comfort he brought, and that he will continue to bring, when they all meet again.

                               My heart goes out not only to Scotty, but to Sister and her sister, in their grief.

                               Say a prayer for them all, dear readers, and wish each an abundance of peace.

                               Animals know good souls when the encounter them, and Scotty encountered two of the best!

                                 In peace, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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