Tuesday, August 13, 2019

At Last, The Satisfying Work Of Fiction For Which I Had Been Longing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      I had had a rough reading patch, back there, for awhile, dolls, and when I picked up "The Other Americans," not only had I forgotten I had purchased it, I debated whether or not I should read it.  After all, if I could not recall purchasing it, or how I came by it, how good could it be??????????????????

                                      What a luck chance I took.  The story, told from each character's viewpoints--including the murder victim, Driss Guerraoui--enlightens the reader on the Muslim community, how it is regarded by those who call themselves "real Americans," resulting, by the end, that one is not sure whom the title refers to.

                                         Nora, angered by her Dad's hit and run death, is the prime seeker of what happened.  The results are ambiguous, but I felt justice was served.  That seeming American virtue, Greed, also gets indicted here, and the novel wraps things up, neatly.

                                           Lalami's focus on character, and narrative drive keep the story compelling as well as socially prescient.   I simply loved this book, which, from the looks of things, might end up on my year end Best List.

                                            Give "The Other Americans" a chance, girls!  It satisfies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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