Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Droll, And Dry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      For readers who like their humor this way, this novel will work perfectly.  For me, it did not, because, while it does not approach the fraternal jock bathroom level of Seth Rogan and Jonah Hill, which I abhor, it is not acerbic enough, either.  As for Jonah, let me say he has evolved into a fine young man, a first rate dramatic actor, while Seth is trapped forever, in that fraternal, jock world.

                                        The novel revolves around a summer at the Widdicombes' Puget Sound Summer estate.  I loved their son,. Christopher, whom I related to best, and whose gay voice I embraced in a novel that has far too many heterosexual scenes, written by a presumably gay writer.

                                         Not that James' prose style is unskilled.  It is quite skilled.  But he teeters between humor and the half serious, as if unable to make up his mind which direction wishes to go in.

                                           This is his first novel, after all, and he is to be commended for that---and getting it published.

                                             I will give him a chance on his next endeavor.  Only, I hope it is gayer.
                          Mr. James, whom I knew as a customer, when he worked at Three Lives Bookstore, in the West Village, shows much capability.  But get on the gay track, fast, Evan, because the community needs some kind of voice.  One time it was David Leavitt.  But he has dried up.

                            Don't you do the same!

                            Wishing you the best, darling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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