Tuesday, August 13, 2019


Actually, I did girls, but I have some complaints!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have to go back next week for a filling, due to a cavity.  Now, that is OK, but any more than a bi- yearly visit sticks in my craw.

However, my dentist, whom I actually like, has this idea about implants, and extractions and all kinds of work that would involve not only tremendous amounts of money, but time, which would be spent having me go to either the dentist, oral surgeon, or endodontist all the time!

Meanwhile, my teeth, while old, are stable, and I see no reason for this right now.  Plus, I have to premedicate all the time before any dental work, so it would not be good for me to be on anti-biotics all the time!

This guy just does not back off.  He gets me in the chair, and then talks at me about this, till I want to curl into a corner and scream.  He has done this before, and it does not look like he will let up.

What should I do?  Why does he feel this is so urgent now,  when so many of my teeth are still healthy and functioning?  No decay (except the cavity to be fixed) and no infection or abscess.

Yes, I survived the dentist, but I don't know what I should do!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Help me, girls!  Comments would be appreciated!

No wonder I have Dental Anxiety Disorder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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