Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Time To Welcome A New Readrer, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    The follower indicator has been at 93 for days now, so a welcome is overdue.  I would like to welcome Annie Drews, who found her way here by my "Carousel" and Tunnel Of Love posts.

                                      Annie, welcome to the world of The Raving Queen.  I hope being here brings you entertainment and information.  And, as I tell all my girls, it goes great with coffee.

                                        I am behind in my writing, so there is much to come, Annie!

                                        So, welcome on my behalf of the girls, and myself!

                                         And now for this blog's unofficial Weclome song--

                                         "Call Me," by Deborah Harry!

                                          Enjoy, and welcome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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