Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Darlings, If You Live In New York, You HAVE To Go To Peter Luger's, Once!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  I kept hearing about Peter Luger's, ever since I arrived in New York, over 30 years ago.  I was always curious, but not enough to pursue it.  Besides, what I heard, always, was that it was located in a very dicey place.

                                     That place, Williamsburg, Brooklyn, is not so dicey, anymore.  The restaurant stands across the street from a giant savings bank, whose architecture, which is stunning, resembles St. Paul's Cathedral, in London.

                                        The exterior looks like a routine steak house, but with cars pulling in and out, people being helped out of cars, doors held for them, as they entered the restaurant, well, anyone would feel like Anna Wintour!  I certainly did!

                                         But I was not the reason for this visit.  Our neighbor Jennifer's fiancé, Dan, had just gotten a new job, which he was starting the next day--we were there this past Sunday--and he was dressed so cute I cannot believe he was not snapped up.  The rest of us dressed simply, fashion wise; it was, after all, Dan's day, and I was determined not to upstage.  I am a good actor.

                                            I must tell you some things I observed about Peter Luger's.  It is not as elegant or ostentatious, as I expected.  There were really no white tablecloths anywhere--our table was a gray slab of wood, with chairs to match.  Very different from the décor I expected.

                                             The clientele was Butch Central!  Not lesbians, girls, but Wall Street corporate types; I am telling you, as a card carrying homosexual, I was a bit intimidated.  No show tunes in this place, girls!  But something even more menacing lurks within Peter Luger's, an urban legend I have heard about for nine years.
It is said that Peter Luger's has a regular, a menacing creature, from another universe, that visits the place regularly, and is accorded celebrity status by the staff.  She goes by the name of "La Carcagne," and she is a malevolent sign of death.  I was terrified of her entering, and being in the restaurant, because....oh, my God!  But this is no tale I am making up, for I have met this creature in her earthly form, and name.  She goes by the name...Michelle Eiselman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Beware her!

But we were safe that day.  What did we have?  Well, for appetizers tomatoes and onions, though I made do without the onions.  Then, we had this bacon, which was like no bacon I have tasted, before or since.  It might be worth a visit just for this.  As well as their Holy Cow Hot Fudge Sundae, which, in my younger days, I would think of ordering right sway, but, these days, would do me in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nevertheless, we continued with two steaks for two, which were superb, creamed spinach, fresh broccoli, and German potatoes.  All were luscious.

And, of course, wine for some, a diet Coke, with lemon, for me.  And Club Soda, for Dan.

Peter Luger's is famous for its home made whipped cream, and let me tell you, it was the real thing! I went light, with a cheese cake, and decaf coffee.  Others had larger, and more luscious deserts--chocolate brownies, and the like.  

We were not bloated upon leaving.  But between the cost, which was generously covered, and the locale, David and I decided Chadwick's in our neighborhood of Bay Ridge, was as good, if not superior.

And, besides, there we don't have to worry about La Carcagne!
Look out!  At Peter Luger's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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