Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Oh, No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not Leslie Jones!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 It was bad enough hearing the likes of Evan Peters, Sarah Paulson, and Kathy Bates will not be returning to the upcoming season of "American Horror Story."  And now, with the new TV season fast approaching, comes news that Leslie Jones, that sassy thing, is leaving "Saturday Night Live!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"   Everyone thought it would be Kate McKinnon, because her contract had run out. But, she went and extended it.

                                  Leslie, hon, think about what you are doing.  Walking away from as steady a gig as any artist dreams of?  What plans are in your future?  Because I cannot wait to see what you will do.

                                    But, darlings, who could be a better  Double Act to Colin Jost?   I mean, I could go on there, calling Colin a Creamsicle and all, because I am hot for him, but it just would not be the same, without Leslie.

                                     However, I am willing to give it a try!  Get ready, Colin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Leslie, you should think again about this.  You will be missed.

                                      On the other hand, it is your choice, and we, your fans, wish you the best!

                                      Darlings, watch Leslie in the segment, with Colin, on Alabama passing the law on reproductive rights, and you will discover what will be sadly missing, this coming season!

                                         Love ya, Leslie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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