Thursday, August 29, 2019

A Delightful Bauble Of Black Humor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Darlings, I cannot begin to tell you how sadistically delightful this novel was.  Imagine, to my surprise that its author, Patrick De Witt, wrote "The Sisters Brothers," that unconventional Western, back in 2011.  Patrick, what took you so long to find me again?

                                        What does one do when one runs out of money.  Well, if you are Frances Price, and her 32-year-old  ne'er do well son, Malcom, you don't give a shit, and live off everyone else, while concealing the fact that everyone around is being taken advantage of.  Frances and Malcom Price are the greatest pair of grifters, since Sante and Kenny Kimes, just not as evil.  They fall somewhere between the Kimes and Auntie Mame.

                                           Then there is the scene stealing cat, Small Frank, said to contain the body of Frances' dead husband.  When New York finances close in on them, they head for Paris, where they meet Madeline the medium, Frances' friend, Joan, whose apartment she is appropriating, Madame Rey, a neighbor, and Julius, a wine seller.  What a motley cast of characters.  One could almost see this staged as a Feydeau farce.

                                             That is, until the end, both sad and romantic, and leaving the reader questioning Malcom's future.

                                              Put yourself on brain freeze while reading this, and just enjoy De Witt's sadistic wit and humor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 Your next party will have such spice, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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