Thursday, August 29, 2019

Meet Monsignor Bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      This is Father Joseph McLoone, and he is the winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award.  I have the misfortune of having an indirect personal connection to him, which leaves me even more outraged.

                                       Father McLoone is 56 years old, and, till recently, was pastor of St. Joseph's Catholic Church in Downingtown, PA.  I know it well.  How so shall be revealed.

                                         Ironically, McLoone, who arrived at St. Joseph's Church in 2011, as a replacement for then Monsignor William Lynn, who was arrested in the cover up of a sex abuse scandal.

                                this church haunted, or cursed? I wonder.

                                         McLoone seemed to follow this evil tradition.  He stole close to $100k from church congregants, and donors, bought himself a beach house--where, and would I love to see that!!!!!!!!!!--and also trolled the website GRINDR, which is a hookup site for gay men who want something much quicker than romance.  I guess the beach house was a bedrock of sin.  What a summer place, that must have been, darlings.

                                           He looks like a nasty piece of work.  Black Irish, with a temper lurking beneath.  Well, padre, from one Irishman to another, I would love to take you on.  I would wipe the floor with you, before I was through.

                                             As for how this gets personal, well, in 2011, my father, then 96, was moved from Vero Beach, Florida, to Villa St, Martha, in Downingtown, which adjoined St. Joseph's Church, then still under renovation.  My father remained at the Villa, until his death, on February 12, 2018. and was a regular congregant at St. Joseph's.  So, surely, at some time, my father must have attended masses said by McLoone, and, while laid up, received Communion in his room at the Villa.

                                             My sister, as well as her  middle son, and his family, were closer, geographically to this place than I.  She--my sister--visited regularly, and is certain she recognized McLoone walking about the grounds, on several occasions.

                                                At the funeral Mass we had for my father, at St. Joseph's, McLoone was not present.  But it pains me to think my father, a devout Catholic, interacted, through no fault of his own, with this scum bag.  And aided, albeit through no fault of his own, in buying McLoone a beach house.

                                                   Geez, Dad, why couldn't you have bought it for ME????????????

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