Saturday, August 31, 2019

How Sad The End Of August!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Yes, indeed, girls!  Even though "Back To School" has been a meaningless phrase for me longer than I ever went, I still associate September with it.  As far as I am concerned, once this month is past, we go into what I call the "ber" months, and the year quickly winds down.

                                           But that did not stop us from enjoying the month, most of which was spent with friends.  We took the happy couple, Ellen and Vic, to Chadwick's, for a marital celebration.  We had a fabulous barbecue at Joe and Davida's, with entertaining stories, and Kathy's world famous chocolate chip cookies.  And we celebrated Dan's new job, with his fiancé Jennifer, at Peter Luger's, without running into La Carcagne!

                                             We made two trips to Jersey.  The first, early in the month, was to Ocean Grove, adjacent to Asbury Park.  I loved the former, but was disappointed by the latter, which did not live up to my childhood memories.  Still, the book and paranormal stores were worth it.

                                                Later in the month, we visited Lynda and Marilyn in Morris Plains.  Ah, the scenic splendor of suburban New Jersey.

                                                  And I am on some kind of small town social injustice thing with "Kings Row."  I am going to have to reread the book, and would believe I missed a screening by hours????????  HOURS!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I am telling you!

                                                   As for books, as I have kept saying it has been an wobbly year for fiction.  But the standout read, for me, this Summer, was "City Of Girls," by Elizabeth Gilbert.  It will be around for awhile, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    We also saw "Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark."  I had fun, but David thought it was crap!  But, hey, he is now reading Ann Patchett, so he is on his way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                      So, that was our August.  Quiet and mellow.

                                                       And no Coney Island, this Summer.  I guess we are aging out!

                                                      See you in September, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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