Sunday, September 1, 2019

Well, Here We Are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  "They say that all good things must end, someday.
                                                      Autumn leaves must fall."--"A Summer Song,"
                                                  Chad and Jeremy!

                                        "School days, school days, dear old golden rule days....." yeah right!  Good luck with that one, kids!  Especially those headed for junior or senior high, where you are stepping into your own private version of Hell.  I wouldn't return to that period of my life, for anything!

                                             Except maybe to redo it the way I should have!

                                              As you can see, dolls, I am pre-disposed to September not being one of my favorite months.  We are now in the "ber" months, which means the year is swiftly winding down.

                                                However, as Pandora found out, Hope was left in the box--so a new literary, theatrical, television and opera season is on the way!  My birthday is approaching.  And so are the Holidays--before we know it.

                                                 So, despite my curmudgeonly opening, let us warmly embrace September, not for what it ends, but what it begins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    Happy September to all!

                                                    "On a picnic morning, without a warning," darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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