Monday, September 2, 2019

Happy Labor Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     All too quickly, we come to the end of that 80 plus day cycle, that begins with Memorial Day.  Though Summer officially ends on September 20, for so many this day marks the end of that magical season.  As we brace for the long Winter ahead.

                                      Labor Day is all about glorifying the American worker--union or otherwise--by giving them a Holiday weekend, and a day off.  Huh?  Is that ALL??????????  American workers should get much more--a month off, a salary bonus--for all the work done doing the year.

                                        All this day does is remind one of how much wage slavery one has to endure the other 364.

                                         But that is me, darlings!   Don't forget, William Inge set "Picnic" on a Labor Day weekend.  So, whether you dance in a pink dress, like Kim Novak, or just enjoy the day off, have a Happy Labor Day, no matter what the holiday means or does not mean to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            I'll be celebrating too, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Have you ever seen Letter from an Unknown Women w Joan Fontaine?

  2. Jezabel,

    No, I have never seen that film.
    How does that relate to my post?
