Monday, August 5, 2019

I Want All My Readers To Pray For Three Special Individuals--Sister Camille D'Arienzo, Her Sister, And Her Sister's Cat, Scotty!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Not a Sunday goes by in our house, when, at 8:35 AM, all action stops, as we listen, on 1010 WINS, to the commentary given by Sister Camille D'Arienzo, of the Sisters Of Mercy.  If you like your Catholicism to the point, girls, Sister Camille is the one to listen to.

                                Her talk yesterday was heartfelt.  She mentioned her sister is hospitalized, and she is caring for that sibling's cat, Scotty, while visiting her sister by day at the hospital, and, to add to it all, Scotty has cancer.

                                  My heart goes out to all--Sister Camille, who is grieving for both, the sister, who may lose her beloved pet, and poor Scotty, whose body is shutting down.

                                   It reminds me of a time, forty years ago, when my mother was ill in the hospital, with terminal lung cancer, and during this time our beloved, 14-year-old poodle, Baby Mouse, whose kidneys and other organs were shutting down,  had to put down.

                                      I understood Sister Camille's words because I had such experience personally.

                                      Whether you do, or not, I want my readers to send their prayers to Sister Camille, her sister, and Scotty.   And I agree with Sister Camille that God has a place for us all, animal and human, in Heaven.  We shall see our pet favorites, there!

                                         May peace be with you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Victoria,

    Thank you so much. Keep
    them coming. Hope all
    is well. Have you had
    the surgery yet?
